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Nicknames #computer_science


PC stands for "Personal Computer," a versatile electronic device designed for individual use. It includes desktops, laptops, and tablets, running various operating systems and software. PCs are used for tasks such as browsing, gaming, productivity, programming, and multimedia entertainment, making them an essential part of modern life.

Hashtag is associated with the Science and knowledge Science and knowledge category and is used in 5 nicknames. Related hashtags: #pc

Certificates of registered nicknames with hashtag #computer_science

Certificate for nickname Ahjota, registered to: Andre Correia de Albuquerque Junior
Certificate for nickname MegaFall, registered to: Максима Загуровского
Certificate for nickname barteklatka, registered to: Bartosz Łatka
Certificate for nickname Markski, registered to: Markski
Certificate for nickname achmad, registered to: Achmad Hidayat

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