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Nicknames for oldfag


"Oldfag" is an internet culture term referring to a person with significant experience in a particular online community. It identifies a seasoned user familiar with the community's history and traditions.

Registered nicknames of oldfags

More nicknames for oldfag

OLDFAG Oldfagus oldfag0 oldfagers oldfager Ded_Dedylin Македон jyz1k HENQ1337 DSMMM SHANEQ Matclack DeRzKaYa MaJaLyA 2k19 orig kenzor Privyazannost -emB .Naih wago KENT Stuff wandexx YOUDI N1NTENDO kroupz . Daniil_Vi Relux yomedム BenJelibon huinny KanuTaHcka9l zurex QuickProTR conjurer1337 Average juizy ebaw old* {ultramarine} TENCA1337 Y695AB51 bratishkinoff POUYA Amsik EIGHTEEN JUNS SaturnSanya N14otak Solomon_Kotikov KoBOLTA og_s0d1x FEELGOOD KWEZEX desh ZEYF HANKY Alex_Moon Xuxawn Don_Ron Streeter Tsypich ТрагедияБелок12 AlexandrStariy

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Nickname Generator for oldfag

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See also: Advanced nickname generator

Nickname statistics of oldfags

  • Average length of nicknames: 8.67 symbols.
  • Average age of users: 20 years.
  • Number of words in the nicknames for oldfag:
  • Nickname distribution by gender:

See also: Detailed statistics for all nicknames


Hashtag is associated with the Web and content Web and content category and is used in 12 nicknames. Related hashtags: #old #oldschool #олдфаг #олдынаместе #олд #старый #пожилойчеловек #старость #стараягвардия

Certificates of registered nicknames with hashtag #Oldfag

Certificate for nickname Average_SV, registered to:
Certificate for nickname cunify.__:#, registered to: Alexandr Nakvasin
Certificate for nickname Vo1dEmperor, registered to: Денин Лев Алексеевич
Certificate for nickname wandexx, registered to: wandexx
Certificate for nickname og_s0d1x, registered to:
Certificate for nickname Average, registered to:

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