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Nicknames #информатика


IT stands for information and communication technologies. It includes searching, collecting, processing, storing, and disseminating data. People working in the IT industry are called IT specialists. They may specialize in telephone or computer networking. IT is constantly evolving.

Hashtag is associated with the Technology and IT Technology and IT category and is used in 5 nicknames. Related hashtags: #it

Certificates of registered nicknames with hashtag #информатика

Certificate for nickname uBogdy, registered to:
Certificate for nickname comsomolets, registered to:
Certificate for nickname Информатика без границ, registered to: Лозовик Ира Мирзаханифовна
Certificate for nickname vad_varlamov, registered to: Варламова Вадима Сергеевича (
Certificate for nickname 91_lunya_91, registered to: Купец Ольгу Ивановну

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